Michigan Party Rentals Inc.

Michigan Party Rentals Inc.

32008 Utica Rd., Fraser, Michigan, 48026, United States

  billing@getpartyrentals.com     248-802-0007

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By Appointment

Tent Lighting for High Peak Frame Tent


SKU P217
Price: $37.50


Here's an Idea. Tent Lighting.


This antique style, LED light set is in an X formation and is designed to be hung on the inside of a "Frame" tent rental. Our high peak frame tents have crisscross cables that run overhead. This string of lights will hang from that X shaped, overhead cable. One set will fit on a 20x20 high peak frame tent rental. You will need two sets for a 20x40 high peak frame tent rental. You will need three sets for a 20x60 high peak frame tent rental...

Please Note: This set of lights is designed to be installed on "Frame" tent rentals and will not fit on a "Pole" tent rental.

Please Note: A Frame Tent Must Be Rented To Rent This Item